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Standards for the education and training of reporting practitioners in musculoskeletal plain radiographs

Date: 2022
Date of next review: 2026

This joint publication from the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and College of Radiographers (CoR) defines the education and training required for all members of the multi-professional team who report MSK plain radiographs. This includes the learning outcomes to be achieved, minimum requirements for assessment, and recommendations on how education programmes for MSK plain film reporters should be designed and structured. 

This document will support effective team working in the delivery of clinical imaging services by ensuring that all members of the multi-professional team reporting MSK plain radiographs will be trained to a standard level of overall competence in this aspect of their practice. 

It has been written by a team comprising representatives from Health Education England, the RCR, CoR, and the British Society of Skeletal Radiologists to support those designing and delivering education programmes for MSK plain film reporters, regardless of their multi-professional background, although it will be particularly relevant for education providers seeking CoR approval for masters-level MSK reporting qualifications.