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Diagnostic and Cancer Waiting Times data for June 2023

State of the wait: June 2023

Responding to June’s Diagnostic Waiting Times data for England, Dr Katharine Halliday, President of The Royal College of Radiologists, said:

“It is disheartening that yet again, this month we’re seeing continued underperformance against important NHS targets – meaning too many patients wait too long for a diagnosis or to start cancer treatment.

Industrial action has undoubtedly had an impact, but this is not a new issue: the main targets for diagnostics and cancer have been missed since 2013 and 2014 respectively.

“The underlying factor behind continually missed targets is a mismatch between capacity and demand, largely driven by workforce shortfalls. We have a flood of doctors leaving the NHS, and not enough qualifying to replace them.

“While the long-term workforce plan is a step forward, it will not solve the immediate issue of missed targets. We must do more to retain doctors and make the most out of the capacity we have. If we don’t take action soon, we risk worse outcomes and worse experience for thousands more patients.”

Diagnostic Imaging (CT and MRI waits)

Key statistic

The NHS in England would have to employ 381 more diagnostic radiology consultants overnight in order to clear the 6 week wait for CT and MRI scans in one month.*

  • For context 381 CR diagnostic consultants equals a 10% increase in the current workforce.
  • For comparison in June 2019, it was 49 radiology consultants.
State of the Wait (SOTW) June 2023

*This is calculated based on CT scans and MRI scans taking an average 15 and 20 minutes respectively to report.