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A New Chapter for Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI): Embracing Change, Innovation and Collaboration

The Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI) is a beacon of excellence in our field. Jointly owned by the College of Radiographers (CoR) and the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) since 2009, it continues to guide our pursuit of quality and innovation. 


A New Direction 

As we look to the future, we are happy to announce a new direction for QSI. We are grateful to the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for delivering accreditation services in recent years, but as Colleges we’re excited to extend our collaboration to pave the way for a more responsive, dynamic and inclusive approach to working with imaging services to improve quality. Our collaboration reflects the realities of service delivery, which requires effective cooperation between radiologists and radiographers. It's an approach that enables a deep understanding of the issues that services face on the ground and provides support where it's needed most. 


Future Plans 

The RCR and CoR are investing in QSI to offer an alternative scheme, one that includes a UK-wide QSI Quality Improvement Network designed to foster peer learning and good practice. We know that colleagues who are delivering and developing services up and down the country are working tirelessly under challenging conditions to deliver the best service they can to patients – our Quality Improvement Network will harness innovative practice and support colleagues in making connections and learning from each other.  

Our Network will also incorporate an endorsement scheme. We anticipate it operating on a three-year cycle, focusing on comprehensive evaluation against QSI requirements, and interim consideration of the aspects of the standard that we know services find more challenging. Whilst we have developed the plans for our scheme, we’re excited to work with services to refine it over the autumn. If you’d like to find out more about how to get involved, please register your interest here or email .  


Embracing Change 

The termination of our agreement with UKAS is not an end but a beginning: an evolution of the way we deliver QSI into something that better meets services’ needs. Our QSI standard will remain unchanged, and the evidence you have become familiar with collecting will continue to apply. The Colleges' scheme will be fully operational from 1 July 2024, and we will provide a fast-track admission process for those services currently accredited by UKAS that wish to participate in the Colleges’ scheme. We value and recognise the work that services will have put into attaining accreditation, and we will work to minimise any disruption or confusion. The future of QSI is bright, and we are excited to bring you on this journey with us: together, we will continue to strive for excellence in patient care, fostering a community that learns, grows, and innovates. 



We understand that this transition may raise questions. We have compiled a comprehensive set of Frequently Asked Questions to address your queries and concerns. Our team would be delighted to speak to you individually to help you understand the options and considerations for your service. Please contact us at [email protected].



Dr Katharine Halliday

President, The Royal College of Radiologists


Dr Marcus Jackson SFHEA

Chair of the College of Radiographers Board of Trustees