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Membership FAQs

The answers to some of the frequently asked membership questions, which include everything you need to know about becoming a member of the College, payment of fees, updating your details and using your MyRCR account.


Please see our membership application process for further information on how to become a member of the RCR.

Payment of fees

Membership fees are due on 1 June of each calendar year.

Fee reductions & discounts

We offer a 50% discount on fees for members on maternity/shared parental/adoption leave.

Please review the subscription discounts offered to confirm eligibility and details on how to apply before paying your subscription fees.

More information about our discounted fee options

Change of details


We can confirm that you are a Fellow or member of the College. Please email [email protected] to request a letter of verification.

Website queries

If you have forgotten your password, please click on the forgot password link and follow the instructions to reset your password.

If you are still having problems accessing your account, please access our support page to help you with your query.

New Fellows

If you have questions about becoming a New Fellow of the College or about the Admission Ceremony, please see our related FAQs page.

Contact us

Become a member today

With over 16,000 Fellows and members worldwide, The Royal College of Radiologists exists to lead, educate and support doctors who are training and working in the specialties of clinical oncology and clinical radiology. With such a broad perspective on our two specialties, we develop and deliver a unique body of work which could not be undertaken by any other organisation.

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