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Consultant mentoring scheme

The RCR's consultant mentoring scheme supports final year trainees, new consultants and those moving into new roles.

Become a mentor

We need people with experience and seniority (at least 5-10 years as a consultant) with an interest in personal development. Each mentor will receive free training and learning materials to support their development as mentors. Ongoing support and guidance will be available.

Benefits include:

  • The opportunity to enhance your skills in developing others
  • The opportunity to reflect and review your experience and offer insight into the learning gained
  • Working with the mentee’s issues often leads to invaluable insights into your own working situation
  • Intellectual challenge and the satisfaction of helping another develop
  • Supporting your revalidation and career development
  • Contribution to the development of The Royal College of Radiologists
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  • 'I think it really, really helps you to do a very good high quality appraisal, the sorts of things we’ve been learning, not just as a mentor but having this exchange, and relationship with my own mentee, I think it’s been fantastic.'

    A mentor from our recent programme

Find a mentor

The scheme aims to provide new consultants, consultants moving into new roles (e.g. arriving from overseas to work in the UK, taking on a training or management role), and final-year trainees with an established mentor.  Mentees will receive free training and the RCR will facilitate the initial contact with a mentor.

Benefits include:

  • Accessing impartial support and encouragement through a supportive relationship
  • Assistance with problem solving
  • Improving self-confidence
  • Offer professional development
  • Encouragement to reflect on practice
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  • 'The transition from registrar to consultant is something really stressful, so it’s good to have some sort of support, and it was good that the College has recognised that this is something that should be addressed from the trainees’ point of view.'

    Mentee from the recent programme
  • 'I could tell it was different to any other sort of mentoring advice, support, supervision, I’d had before. Clearly there are techniques you can learn to really help people.'

    Mentee from the recent programme

What to expect

  • Both mentors and mentees attend a training session together.
  • After the training, you will be offered a match with someone outside your trust/UHB.
  • This match lasts for a 12-month period and we suggest six one-hour meetings over this period.
  • The RCR Mentoring Team will check in with you throughout the match to offer support and answer any queries.

This programme is only available to full Fellows and members of the RCR. If you have any questions about the mentoring scheme, please contact 


RadReach mentoring scheme

Our RadReach mentoring scheme aims to transform training at an elemental level and offer continued support for final year medical students and/or foundation scheme doctors from a widening participation background.

Find out more
Dr Nelo Gafoor

Get involved

Learn more about our mentoring schemes, Clinical Fellowships and how you can contribute your expertise.

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