Exams & training

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Become an examiner

RCR examinations are an internationally recognised benchmark of excellence as well as a vital element of UK training.
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  • “Being a Part 1 examiner has been one of the most rewarding aspect of my professional career. Sitting together with a wide range of colleagues from all parts of the country and jointly developing a good exam question is not only exciting, but also one of the most meaningful CPD activity I do every year. It is a great way to contribute in the field of oncology and serve the RCR and our patients.”

    Dr Niladri GhosalCo-Chair of First FRCR
  • “Being a FRCR Part 2B examiner is undoubtedly the most satisfying and rewarding highlight of my career, both professionally and personally. The privilege of contributing to the development of competent radiologists of the future, learning from colleagues (radiology as well as examining), and the comradeship more than repay the commitment and hard work involved.”

    Dr David SalvageFormer Chair of Final FRCR (Part B)

We could not provide any exams without the essential contribution of many examiners in a wide range of roles. 

We rely heavily on the voluntary support of oncologists, radiologists and other specialists who invest considerable time to ensure we continue to deliver quality exams and maintain the highest standards of professional competence. This role is so critical, that several of the UK’s leading healthcare organisations wrote a joint letter to all NHS hospitals urging them to support doctors who request time out to undertake work for national health bodies such as the RCR. 

Being an examiner provides an opportunity to contribute to the quality of the FRCR and network with colleagues and other specialists across the UK. All examining activities are recognised for credits under the RCR’s CPD scheme.

What's involved?

As an examiner you could be:

  • Question writing and sourcing images 
  • Moderating and classifying materials
  • Selecting content for individual sittings
  • Identifying passing standards
  • Conducting orals
  • Evaluating individual candidate performance
  • Reviewing the performance of questions and patterns of exam performance overall
  • Shaping the future of the exams


Applications are open until 5 November 2023

Applicants are asked to submit the names and contact details of referees, who will be required to provide a statement of support. Please note the deadline for sending these statements is 10th November 2023. Doctors need to ensure their referees are aware of this deadline and are able to meet it before submitting an application.

We expect to let all applicants know the outcome of the applications by the end of December 2023.

Information regarding the Induction day will be relayed to those that are successful.


Applications for the current round closed on 5 November 2023

Applicants are asked to submit the names and contact details of referees, who will be required to provide a statement of support. Please note the deadline for sending these statements is 10th November 2023

We expect to let all applicants know the outcome of the applications by the end of December 2023.

Information regarding the Induction day will be relayed to those that are successful.


Your details
Your application
Please select the specialty for the role you are applying for
About you
Referee details
Conflicts of interest

Please read our policy on declaring and registering conflicts of interest before submitting your application.

Diversity monitoring

Collecting this data will help the RCR to meet the recommendations of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The information given here will be treated as confidential. It will only be accessed by authorised individuals at the RCR and will not be disclosed to any other bodies or individuals. Statistics derived from this data will be used for monitoring purposes, may be published and may be passed to other bodies. See our equality and diversity policy.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? *
How we handle your data

To find out about how we handle the information in this form please read our privacy policy.

Appointment process and conflicts of interest

Applications are anonymised and ranked by a panel. In some cases, consideration may be given to ensuring a balance of geographical and special interest representation. 

All potential applicants should be aware of the RCR's policy on conflict of interests.

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