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Regional Specialty Advisers

Regional Specialty Advisers perform a vital role in assuring, on behalf of the RCR, that national standards for training, curriculum delivery, and workplace-based assessment are maintained.

The role of the RSA

Regional Specialty Advisers (RSAs) are the regional representatives of The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) with respect to education and training and are accountable to the Medical Director, Education, and Training. They provide a vital role and work cooperatively with the RCR, their local office, and the GMC to provide advice and support in their own region and carry out the role of external adviser, providing independent review and quality assurance of the ARCP process outside of their own region.

Internal role

Within their own region, RSAs are local experts on RCR curricula, assessment, and requirements for progression.  They contribute an independent perspective to local quality assurance processes, facilitate communication between the RCR and training programmes in their region, and support trainees, training programme directors (TPDs), and heads of school (HoS). 

External role

RSAs assist in the quality assurance of training in other regions by acting as an external adviser, providing independent, but specialty-specific, feedback on the ARCP process, the evidence provided to support this process (including the quality of educational and clinical supervisors’ reports), and ARCP outcomes.

RSAs fulfil the role of external adviser by attending ARCP panels in at least one other region to observe the ARCP process, providing a review of outcomes and the evidence supporting these, as laid out in the Gold Guide.  They submit a structured report to the RCR and the region visited, and work with other RSAs to highlight and share good practice, and improve the consistency of the ARCP process across regions.

Advisory Appointment Committees

RSAs are also asked to act as the RCR representative on advisory appointment committees (AACs) to quality assure the recruitment and appointment of consultants, specialty doctors and associate specialist posts to NHS trusts and health boards.

This involves reviewing role descriptions for consultant, specialty doctor and associate specialist posts and making recommendations in accordance with RCR guidance and ensuring that any job plans reviewed include provision of appropriate support, particularly where the role includes training responsibilities.

RSA vacancies

Application procedure

Applications should be made by submission of a completed application form to [email protected].  Applications will be considered by the Medical Director, Education, and Training, and where there is more than one applicant a panel scoring process will be used to rank candidates.

Appointments are for a term of three years. A maximum of two consecutive terms can be served.

We would encourage any interested consultants to discuss their application with the current RSA for their region and the local Specialty Training Committee (or equivalent). The role of RSA should not normally be combined with that of the training programme director, head of school or departmental lead clinician/clinical director.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Email our quality assurance team

Who is my RSA?

Resources for RSAs

RSAs play a vital role in the quality assurance of training in the UK.  The RCR supports this role through training, resources such as the specialty training handbook, and recognition of parts of the role through the award of CPD points.

The links below provide some useful resources for RSAs:

Our specialty training

Learn more about how the College sets the standards and curriculum that lead to the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and entry onto the GMC's Specialist Register.

Specialty training