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Radiology Events and Learning (REAL)

Clinician learning from errors, discrepancies and educational cases.

Learning from real-life scenarios has been reported to be one of the most highly valued CPD activities clinicians can undertake.

The REAL resource can be used to review ambiguous cases and practice identifying good spots.

REAL resources

Learning from real-life scenarios has been reported to be one of the most highly valued CPD activities clinicians can undertake.

The REAL resource can be used to review ambiguous cases and practice identifying good spots. 


If you are interested in accessing REAL Online, the REAL newsletter or finding out more about the benefits of our membership, please visit our RCR membership page.


REAL Faculty members

Submit a case study

To submit a JPEG case for newsletter consideration use the button below. Before submission remeber to anonymise your case by removing patient identifiers. 

Submit a JPEG case to REAL

REAL newsletter

Our REAL newsletter features real and fictional case scenarios as well as published letters from the membership on a quarterly basis. Addressing a range of intriguing questions and topical points, the REAL newsletter is an excellent resource to gain greater exposure to, and learning from, difficult and unusual cases.

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Find out more about CPD and events

Discover all the events and CPD opportunities offered by the college. 

CPD and events
REAL resources
REAL Online
Case submissions