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Become a RadReach mentee

The mentoring scheme is suitable for final year medical students and foundation year doctors from a widening participation background.

This includes those who: 

  • are from an ethnic minority background
  • have special educational need (SEN) status
  • have a disability
  • speak English as a second language
  • are estranged from both parents or guardians
  • have been in care
  • are a carer or have carer responsibilities
  • do not have a parent in a skilled profession
  • neither parent has attended university
  • are previous free school meal recipients
  • are a international medical graduate (but currently working in the UK)

Visit the Widening Participation Medics Network for further information.

The Widening Participation Medics Network
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  • "I was lucky enough to get my first choice offer so I'll be taking up a radiology post in Norwich next year. I've genuinely found [RadReach] to be an excellent experience in terms of both interview prep and mentorship."

  • "I can't thank you both enough for empowering me and getting me here. Your help with interview prep and your guidance over the past few months has been invaluable in getting me where I never thought I'd even come close to."


Benefits of mentoring

As a mentee, you will have the opportunity to:

  • find out about life as a clinical radiologist or clinical oncologist
  • receive impartial advice and guidance through a supportive relationship
  • reflect on your practice and improve your self-confidence.

If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].

Our next mentoring cohort opens in early 2024! Submit your details in the form to be the first to know when applications open and to hear about our upcoming events and webinars.

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Find out more about becoming a RadReach mentor

Become a RadReach mentor
Dr Nelo Gafoor