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CPD advice & support

CPD stands for Continued Personal Development and is a used to describe opportunities that contribute to enhanced learning and career performance.

Our CPD Scheme

We offer a CPD scheme to all practicing UK clinical oncologists and radiologists, aside from anyone in a training post. It focuses on reflection, the outcomes of CPD activities and recognising the value of online learning.   

CPD Credits

You should aim to achieve at least 250 CPD credits over five years, with these as evenly spread as possible.  

Activities that align with CPD

Activities across clinical, academic and professional environments align with CPD if you can demonstrate that they are genuinely developmental.

Learning from the NHS

Trainees will be automatically enrolled in our CPD scheme following receipt of their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). 

Other doctors taking up a UK staff position, including those who trained or have been employed globally and wish to enrol should contact [email protected]

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  • CPD Credits

    You should aim to achieve at least 250 CPD credits over five years, with these as evenly spread as possible.  

  • Activities that align with CPD

    Activities across clinical, academic and professional environments align with CPD if you can demonstrate that they are genuinely developmental.

  • Learning from the NHS

    Trainees will be automatically enrolled in our CPD scheme following receipt of their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). 

    Other doctors taking up a UK staff position, including those who trained or have been employed globally and wish to enrol should contact [email protected]


Enrolment in the CPD Scheme

Trainees will be automatically enrolled in our CPD scheme following receipt of their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). 

Other doctors taking up a UK staff position, including those who trained or have been employed globally and wish to enrol should contact [email protected]

Reflecting on your CPD

Additional credits can be claimed for reflecting on what you have learned, and on the long-term impacts on your professional practice and patient care. A reflective template has been incorporated into the CPD online journal and can be completed when you add an activity. 

CPD journal user guide 

The new RCR Learning hub includes a CPD journal available exclusively for Royal College of Radiologists Fellows and members, offering a seamless process for obtaining your five-yearly certificate: 

  • Record your CPD activity online 

  • Include your reflections and impact  

  • Import and export your activities for your annual appraisal and revalidation 

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has produced a reflective practice toolkit:  

Academy and COPMeD reflective practice toolkit guidance (PDF) 

This toolkit, which contains templates and examples of reflective styles, aims to provide best practice in the documentation of reflection on a variety of activities and events. 

The Reflective Practitioner (PDF) 

This short guide supports medical students, doctors in training and doctors engaging in revalidation on how to reflect as part of their practice.


Find out more about CPD and events

Discover all the events and CPD opportunities offered by the college. 

CPD and events