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Advisory Appointment Committee (AAC) & job description review

Job description review and AAC processes provide quality assurance for recruitment across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

These processes make sure that:

  • Candidates have clarity and confidence in applications
  • Recruiting organisations attract and retain best possible appointee
  • Vacancies are filled efficiently, benefitting existing consultant staff.

We encourage Fellows and members to get involved in these voluntary positions, and you are welcome to register for both roles.

If you have any questions, get in touch with our AAC team by emailing [email protected] .

Contact our AAC team

Job Plan Advisers

Job Plan Advisers review job descriptions against RCR and NHS guidance. Find out more about becoming a JPA.

Find out more about being a Job Plan Adviser

AAC representatives

AAC representatives sit on interview panels to make sure candidates have the right training and are eligible for appointment. Find out what it takes to be an Advisory Appointment Committee representative.

Become an Advisory Appointment Committee (AAC) representative

Find out more about CPD and events

Discover all the events and CPD opportunities offered by the college. 

CPD and events