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Submit a journal manuscript to Clinical Oncology

Clinical Oncology is our international monthly journal, with a current ISI Impact Factor of 3.400. It brings high-quality original research, informative editorials and state-of-the-art reviews on all aspects of the clinical management of cancer patients.

Clinical Oncology

Edited by Doctor Thankamma Ajithkumar, it also features key pre-clinical and translational oncology research. As a Fellow or member, you are entitled to receive a paper copy of Clinical Oncology each month, but if you prefer to access content online only, log in to MyRCR and update your preferences.  

You will also find a link to the journal in the top left panel of the MyRCR page in the box labelled ‘Quick Links.’ Once logged in you will have full text access to the journal and can personalise features including: 

  • Setting up table of contents, citation and articles in press alerts 
  • RSS feeds 
  • Saving articles of interest 
  • Accessing recent searches from the past 24 hours 
  • Accessing all Elsevier-published medical journals from one area named ‘More periodicals’. 

If you have any difficulty accessing the journal using your RCR website login details, please use the 'forgot my email' or 'forgot my password' options on the login page.

Want to get involved?

We are always keen to welcome new reviewers to join the Clinical Oncology team. Find out more on the Elsevier website and apply to review for Clinical Oncology by sending your CV and a list of your specialties to the Editorial Office.

Are you involved in a research project? 

Elsevier provide a range of resources to assist throughout your project. Visit the Elsevier Researcher Academy to view lectures and courses on the research process and how to make sure your paper gets noticed. 

In addition, the Author hub provides a wealth of information for anyone who is looking to publish research. 

Abstract and indexes

SciResearch, ISI Alerting Services, Current Contents, Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus. 

Open access

You can now make your next accepted article in Clinical Oncology open access by simply selecting this option after your acceptance notification. 

Science in Focus

Science in Focus is our series of editorials from leaders in their field providing succinct updates on areas of progress in scientific understanding and how these impact on the oncology community.  


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