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Professional networks

The RCR facilitates and supports a number of professional networks, which are interconnected spaces for members to collaborate over a shared purpose. The ultimate aim is for the networks to support members in their professional practice.

Being part of a professional network:

This will allow you to:

  • Share knowledge, views and experiences with your peers 
  • Learn good practices in clinical oncology and clinical radiology  
  • Feed intelligence and insights back to the RCR 
  • Feel a sense of belonging to the network and College 

Get involved:

The opportunities within each network are varied and determined by the members of the network with guidance from the lead. These include: 

  • Webinars on specific topics to support with professional practice e.g. writing business cases, interview skills.

  • Informal online meetings for discussion on hot topics.

  • Writing blogs or reflection pieces for the leading sessions at conferences. 

Please refer to the list below for more information on the RCR’s current professional networks. For more information on any of the networks, contact [email protected]

Name of professional network

Who is eligible to join 

Network lead 

Clinical Directors

Clinical Directors (or equivalent) in Radiology 

Medical Director for Professional Practice, CR 

Heads of Service 

Heads of Service (or equivalent) in Clinical Oncology 

Medical Director for Professional Practice, CO 

Imaging Network Leads 

Imaging Network Leads  

Vice President, CR 


SAS doctors working in Clinical Oncology or Clinical Radiology- open to members and non members  

SAS reps, CO and CR  


Past and present mentees and mentors from RadReach programme/ open to members and non members 

RadReach founders 


Career development

Our expert advice will guide you through all stages of your career, from choosing the right specialty, to offering support through professional networks.

Learn more about career development