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Adapting to UK medical practice

Medical practice within the NHS and in the UK generally may be very different from what you may have been used to - use this selection of tools and resources to help you prepare and adapt.

Member resources

The College is here to support you in your practice and throughout your career. Being a member of the College is extremely valuable for both your professional and personal development, and we continue to work towards providing you with the best tools to excel in your role as a clinical radiologist.

If you’re working here and are not yet a member of the RCR find out more about the benefits of membership and how to apply.

General Medical Council (GMC) resources

Welcome to the UK Practice is a free workshop hosted by the GMC designed to support doctors new to the UK. It offers practical advice on UK practice and living in the UK, guidance on ethical scenarios you may encounter and provides an opportunity to connect virtually with other doctors coming from abroad. 

Career development

Our expert advice will guide you through all stages of your career, from choosing the right specialty, to offering support through professional networks.

Learn more about career development