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Research for Trainees

Our Academic Committee works hard to explore methods by which they can encourage and foster research opportunities in clinical radiology for trainees.

Research Certificate Scheme

The Research Certificate Scheme has been introduced to promote radiology research amongst non–academic radiologists. It encourages engagement in research activities, with the reward of a certificate upon successful completion.  

All clinical radiology trainees in non–ACF posts are eligible to participate in the scheme, which should ideally be completed no later than 6 months post-CCT. The scheme is open to consultants and others on a case-by-case basis. 

Research certificate

Resources for trainees

As the Academic Committee work to develop research resources for trainees, they will be made available through our guidance and advice page. The Research ‘Recipe Book’ aimed specifically at trainees undertaking the research projects as required by the curriculum, is already available. 

Research guidance & advice

Awards & fellowships

There are several research focused awards and fellowships which are open to trainees, including the Constance Thornton Fellowship and the Kodak Scholarship. The College also has joint funding agreements with the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK. 

Awards & honours

Career development

Our expert advice will guide you through all stages of your career, from choosing the right specialty, to offering support through professional networks.

Learn more about career development