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Clinical radiology undergraduate research prize

Applications open in November 2023.

The clinical radiology undergraduate research prize is for an undergraduate student who conducts personal research on a clinical radiology topic.

Funded by the family of Dr Steven Carstairs, this prize is one of two intended to enhance medical students' experience of clinical radiology. A list of previous recipients is available.




UK medical students only

Assessment criteria

  • Background information/research
  • Relevance of research
  • Originality of research
  • Study design
  • Data collection and handling
  • Structure and quality of the report
  • Conclusion
  • Quality of data presentation.

The successful applicant will be invited to present a talk about their research at the appropriate RCR meeting.

Enquiries should be directed to 

Presentation from the 2022 prize winner

Matthew Kane, University of East Anglia, discusses his prize-winning research project on 'Volumetric analysis in post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation: a retrospective cohort study' 

This presentation was developed independently and the information provided in this video does not represent RCR guidance or endorsement.

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