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RCR/Cyclotron Trust Visiting Fellowships

Applications for 2023 are closed. Applications for 2024 will open in November 2023.


The RCR established the ‘RCR–Cyclotron Trust Visiting Fellowships’ to provide opportunities for a limited number of Consultant and post-FRCR Specialist Registrar Clinical Oncologists to visit Particle Treatment Centres abroad. The purpose of the visits is to enable successful applicants to achieve a greater understanding of the role of particle therapy in the wider spectrum of advanced radiotherapy. The Visiting Fellowships are made possible by a generous financial donation from the former Cyclotron Trust, for which the RCR would like to express its gratitude.


The aim of the 2022/23 Fellowships is to promote a greater understanding of the potential of heavy ion therapy (including carbon ion therapy) and to increase awareness of new applications of particle therapy e.g. flash proton therapy. The assessors will look favourably upon paired applications to visit appropriate centres. Applicants should also consider applying for the Fellowships in order to learn more about Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) during visits where this is possible.

As of July 2022, there are four carbon ion therapy facilities operating in Europe, two in China and seven operating in Japan. Priority will be given to applications to visit one of the four European carbon ion centres (Heidelberg, Marburg, Pavia and Med-AUSTRON). Consideration will also be given to proposals to visit carbon ion therapy centres in China or Japan but, such applications would need to be exceptional.

These visits, anticipated to be up to (but no longer than) two weeks, will contribute towards achieving the highest possible standard for a modern, world-class radiotherapy service in the UK. A key component of this is clearly to develop the knowledge and expertise of Clinical Oncologists and Medical Physicists regarding heavy ion therapy.


Funding of up to a maximum of £3,000 per visit will be available. For paired applications, funding up to a maximum of £3,000 will be available for each applicant. Funding is intended to cover the costs of travel, accommodation, and observer fees only. It is not intended to cover daily living expenses, or any additional costs incurred during the visit. If costs are estimated above £3,000, the additional sum is to be met by the applicant. All aspects of the claim must be strictly in accordance with the RCR Travel and Expenses policy.


The Fellowships are open to Consultants and post-FRCR Specialist Registrar Clinical Oncologists who are members or Fellows of the RCR in good standing, resident in the United Kingdom and in active clinical practice at the time of the award/visit. Consultants should be practicing at least in part, in the NHS. Proposals for ‘paired’ visits with a colleague from medical physics are strongly encouraged and will be given preference.

There will be up to five Fellowships per College year (September to August) and all visits must be undertaken within 12 months of the award being made unless there are exceptional or unavoidable circumstances. Paired applications count as one Fellowship. The successful applicant(s) will be required to submit a report to the RCR’s Cyclotron Trust Funding Panel and CO Professional Support and Standards Board at the end of the Fellowship visit.


A list of previous successful applicants is available.

Applications are now closed for the 2022/23 scheme. All enquiries / expressions of interest should be submitted to the Professional Practice Administrator; .

Successful applicants of the RCR/Cyclotron Trust Visiting Fellowships

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