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Bursary to attend the Methods in Clinical Cancer Research workshop

Applications are currently closed.


This prestigious workshop (ECCO/EORTC/AACR/ESMO Methods in Clinical Cancer Research (MCCR) Workshop, previously known as ‘FLIMS’), taking place from 17-23 June 2023 in the Netherlands, is designed to train early-stage researchers in oncology to develop a clinical protocol with mentorship from an international faculty of clinical trialists, methodologists and statisticians. There is competitive selection of attendees with a total of around 80 delegates chosen from across the world. Generations of trainees interested in developing their research skills have benefitted from this workshop, which has been running for over 20 years. 

Applicants are required to present a clinical trial proposal and designate a supervisor who will provide local support and mentorship to enable the trial to proceed to the clinic following refinement of the protocol at the workshop. 

Further details can be found on the ECCO website / and here  


For two places (to cover the workshop participation fee of 2900 EUR each which includes travel and accommodation)

The payment will be in the form of reimbursement, which will be sent as soon as confirmation of registration payment is received.


  • The applicant must have applied to attend the MCCR workshop – shortlisting for the RCR bursary will only take place after selection for the MCCR workshop has been confirmed to the RCR by the applicant.

  • Fellows and members who have passed Part II FRCR A.

  • Trainee or consultant working in the UK (can be in a recognised training programme or undertaking approved out of programme experience).

  • Demonstrable interest in clinical research in clinical oncology, eg publication record, presentations, current research post.

  • A project with clear relevance to the practice of clinical oncology.

  • Preference will be given to applicants who have no other source of funding available to them.

To apply

Applicants will need to submit: 

  • Covering letter with a description of why the applicant would be suitable for this bursary
  • A full curriculum vitae
  • Copy of your submitted MCCR application

Assessment procedure

Shortlisting for the RCR bursary will only take place after selection for the MCCR workshop has been confirmed to the RCR by the applicant. An assessment panel nominated by the RCR will consider applications. The decision of the assessment panel is final and binding. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application in March.

Any queries should be emailed to 

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