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Repeat rectal IMRT survey 2023



Introduction and Background

We did an initial survey of UK rectal radiotherapy practice in 2020, just prior to publishing national guidance. Since the guidance dissemination, there have also been a number of high impact clinical trial publications in this field which are likely to influence practice and potentially widen practice variation. It is a high priority to repeat our survey to understand if our guidance, or recent publications have influenced practise within the UK.

Data submission

The survey is in two parts:

  1. A series of five cases to establish the routine neo-adjuvant therapy offered in the MDTs that feed into your radiotherapy centre. This part needs to be completed as many times as required*, depending on the number of MDTs you have responses from (maximum 6).
  2. A series of questions to inform future editions of the RCR IMRT guidance document, which only needs completing once.

We recommend you work with other members of your team where necessary to complete the survey; we anticipate that some questions may require input from clinical oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, physicists/planning and radiographers.

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