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RCR re-audit of curative intent and neo-adjuvant RT for lung cancer

This is a national project (>=10 patients) on behalf of the RCR Clinical Oncology Quality Improvement and Audit Committee (COQIAC).



This is a national project (>=10 patients) on behalf of the RCR Clinical Oncology Quality Improvement and Audit Committee (COQIAC). We are extremely grateful in advance for your time and effort in helping us re-audit curative intent and neo-adjuvant RT for lung cancer.

We would like to recognise the contribution of audit/lung leads by requesting 1 name per participating institution to be listed as a collaborating author (subject to publication in ClinOnc). If you do not provide a name, the current audit lead will appear on the list. Note also, CPD credit: 1 per hour in relation to work done, 1 for reflection, 1 for impact.


In the 2013 RCR audit, the primary weakness was a low rate of radical RT. Other areas identified were lack of access to technology (4DCT, cone beam CT, IMRT/VMAT) and lack of use of specific treatments (SABR, CHART, concurrent chemoradiation). Brain staging was also infrequently performed and peer review was infrequently undertaken.

In the RCR consensus statements survey, the main weakness was difficulty in accessing “pre-habilitation services” (nutrition, exercise/ physiotherapy), use of PJP prophylaxis, use of pre-operative concurrent chemoradiation and access to PET/CT within 6 weeks. Improvements were seen in the use of technology and in access to peer review.


To provide confirmation that there has been progress and allow a re-assessment of where further pieces of work need to be directed.


Dr Jonathan McAleese, Project Lead

On behalf of COQIAC, RCR

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