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Current & forthcoming audit projects

Audit is a tool for directly improving healthcare outcomes and ensuring patient care is provided in line with best practice standards.

Other acceptable uses that take a more indirect path to improvement are to gather data that demonstrates clinical outcomes, to compare practice between different services/individuals, to inform and assure patients, to provide a reserve of information that can be used for research, to enhance the status of a specific intervention or area of practice through providing evidence of outcomes, to inform clinical practice on a longer term basis, to gather information to maintain patient safety, to inform commissioning and policy and to measure and improve equity of care (HQIP, 2011). 

Forthcoming audit projects


  • Head and neck cancer practice

Forthcoming audit projects


  • Emergency imaging
  • Actionable reporting and communication of radiology reports

Audit & Quality Improvement

Audit is a quality improvement cycle that measures the effectiveness of healthcare against established standards. Access our audit library and view our publications.

Audit & Quality Improvement