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Sponsorship policy


1. Purpose


The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) seeks to build supportive long-term sponsorship relationships with commercial organisations and other partners in activities that deliver thework and fulfil the charitable objects of the College.


The RCR is willing to consider sponsorship from any organisation or individual (except as defined below) in the UK or internationally that wishes to support its work and values, on the understanding that such a sponsor agrees to work with the RCR in accordance with this policy.

2. Key principles


The RCR defines sponsorship as an arrangement with industry, a company ororganisation that provides financial support to the RCR in exchange for value-neutral acknowledgement that neither endorses nor identifies a sponsor's products or services.


The RCR will consider each sponsorship proposal on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the College only works with organisations that are aligned with its values and charitable status.


Any proposal from an individual or organisation overseas will be considered in accordance with the Charity Commission guidance on working internationally to ensure that the appropriate safeguards are in place and ethical considerations have been met.


The RCR will make every effort to attract a wide range of sponsors for the various activities undertaken by the College so that there is no dependence on any one source of external income. Sponsorship arrangements for activities run jointly with other organisations will be agreed on a case-by-case basis and will be as consistent as
practicable with this policy.


The independence of the RCR should not be affected by any collaboration and all arrangements should ensure that the RCR retains control of all activities or materials.


All collaborations must be transparent in order to fulfil the College’s public benefit purpose and clearly outline the benefits gained by each party in a written agreement.


All arrangements must comply with the RCR’s Conflict of Interest policy.


The acceptance of any sponsorship or commercial support must not compromise the RCR’s reputation, values or charitable status.


The RCR will not knowingly accept sponsorship, advertising or enter into partnership with any organisation that undertakes or promotes the production, sale or distribution of tobacco products or arms.


Activities organised using the RCR name and/or logo and/or materials bearing the RCR logo must be used in accordance with the RCR’s Endorsement policy and its policy for the use of the RCR name and logo by external parties. This principle also applies to the RCR’s acknowledgement of a sponsoring organisation.


The RCR will not endorse or promote services or products in return for a donation. A donation will not influence the work of the RCR or the activities of those undertaking work on behalf of the RCR.


Awards given or presented regularly may be named after a particular person or topic and the sponsor acknowledged rather than the award being named after the sponsor. The title of any award and the rules/terms of the award must be agreed in advance by the RCR
and stated publicly.

3. Eligible Activities

The RCR is in principle open to sponsorship of activities that are consistent with its charitable objectives, support its strategy and do not conflict with the principles. Eligible activities include but
are not limited to:

3.1. RCR meetings and conferences
3.2. Research projects
3.3. Awards
3.4. Production and distribution of written materials and digital resources
3.5. Advertising (electronic and print) on the RCR website and RCR publications
3.6. Training courses

Where applicable, detailed guidelines relating to the areas of activity are provided in Appendix 1.

4. Agreements


Initial approaches to or from potential sponsors or advertisers, and the negotiation of terms, will be undertaken only by relevant senior staff with the support and input of Officers of the RCR, or the individual/s to whom they have delegated this responsibility.


Any sponsorship arrangements must be underpinned by a written agreement, which for straightforward and limited circumstances can be a letter. The arrangements must be compliant with this policy and in particular:

4.2.1. Have a clear scope and application and stipulate any exclusions
4.2.2. Be for a defined period with clear terms of notice for both parties
4.2.3. Safeguard the RCR’s name and/or logo and any intellectual property rights
4.2.4. Ensure that the agreement represents a fair deal for the RCR
4.2.5. Include a regular monitoring and review process
4.3. All parties to any arrangement will commit to the RCR’s confidentiality requirements at all

Appendix 1 – guidelines relating to activities

1. Educational resources

The following guidelines apply to sponsorship of RCR meetings and online resources, such as webinars.


Funding from commercial organisations may be accepted to cover the costs of event features such as exhibition stands, event materials and for inserts in delegate packs.


Where lectures are named after the sponsoring body, the final control of the topic and the choice of speaker or Fellow must remain with the RCR.


Income from commercial organisations may be used to sponsor costs of securing overseas speakers at events e.g. travel costs. RCR Fellows and members do not receive honoraria to participate in any RCR meetings and money from commercial organisations
may not be used for this purpose.


Income from sponsorship and/or advertising for a particular event must not be solely or predominantly for hospitality, social events or gifts.


Gifts and promotional items on exhibitors’ stands must comply with the policies and recommendations of Association of Healthcare Technology Providers for Imaging, Radiotherapy & Care (AXREM), the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) and the Association of British Health Tech Industries (ABHI).

2. Research


Commercial funding must not affect the outcome or the dissemination of the outcome of any research. The research will be under the full control of the investigator who must be able to publish results, including results which might be construed as negative by the
sponsoring organisation, without being blocked by the sponsor.


Individual products may not be promoted by the researcher, team or by the company supporting the research.

3. Acknowledgements

3.1. Proportionate and discreet acknowledgement will be given in return for sponsorship support. For example, appropriate acknowledgement of the source of sponsorship may appear on the notice of any sponsored meeting or activity. The RCR will acknowledge where funding has been contributed towards an activity, normally by way of a textual comment such as ‘The RCR acknowledges the generous support of [ ] in the production of this event/activity/material etc’. Other than as specifically agreed in the context of support for a meeting and in accordance with this policy, the RCR will not normally agree to a prominent textual acknowledgement or to the inclusion of a sponsor’s logo. Individual products and brands must never be referred to in acknowledgement statements.


Multiple sponsors will usually be listed in alphabetical order to avoid any inference that the first listed has given the greatest level of funding except as provided for in this policy.

4. RCR publications


This section covers all materials produced by the RCR with specific reference to RCR journals, standards and guidance documents, research projects and the RCR website.


Any content produced by the RCR must remain wholly independent and unbiased and should not be subject to any sponsorship arrangements. However, the outputs and methods of distribution may be funded by sponsorship.


Commercial advertising may not be used to support the publication or distribution of guidance on good practice, or consensus statements such as clinical guidelines.


Commercial organisations may advertise in RCR journals. The level of such advertising should be determined in accordance with the arrangements agreed with the publisher and if appropriate, the Editor.


The principal pages on the RCR website may be sponsored in limited circumstances ensuring that any sponsorship is aligned with the RCR’s values and charitable responsibilities. The website will not carry inappropriate product advertising. Information about sponsors of RCR activities is acceptable, in accordance with this policy.


In specific and agreed circumstances, the RCR may seek sponsorship for functional areas of the College website. It is understood that occasions may arise where support from a single sponsor of a specific area of the College website may occur. Special caution must be taken to ensure that in instances when such support is granted, no  perception of conflict of interest exists and that acknowledgement of the support is reflected appropriately. All approaches will be judged on their merits on a case-by-case basis. Where electronic versions of sponsored materials appear on the website, the original sponsor may be credited.


Links to sponsored educational sites are permitted but there should be no direct link to commercial sponsors other than as an agreed sponsorship package for an RCR meeting.


Authors of RCR publications must declare any personal interest or association with organisations relevant to the subject of the publication or article in accordance with The Royal College of Radiologists’ Conflict of Interest policy.


There are separate RCR arrangements for the production, funding and listing of contributors’ details for publications produced jointly with other bodies.


Endorsement of guidelines and/or material produced wholly by other bodies is subject to the RCR Endorsement policy.


Sponsorship from organisations that would have no direct gain from association with the RCR (such as a retail chain) may be used to produce and facilitate the distribution of information for the general public, teaching packages, publications, lectures and online
learning resources.

Approved by Council: March 2019
Due for review: March 2022

See the Royal College of Radiologists’ policies and privacy notices.
