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Learning programmes privacy notice

At The Royal College of Radiologists we are committed to protecting your privacy.

Who we are

We are The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), a charity that works with our members to improve the standard of medical practice across the fields of radiology and oncology. The Royal College of Radiologists is a registered charity (no.211540). The registered address is 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW.

Our data protection officer can be contacted by sending an email to  

How do we collect information from you?

We obtain information from you when you register to attend conferences, courses and webinars, or when you access our eLearning resources, or when you contact us for further information regarding any of our education resources and activities. This could be through our website or on a booking form.

What type of information is collected about you?

The personal data we may collect in order to register you for an event or course may include your name, address, email address, telephone (landline/mobile), job title, organisation, dietary requirements, marketing preferences, speciality and sub-speciality, and any special access requirements you may have to access the course you plan to attend. In some pre-or-post course evaluation surveys we may collect anonymous demographic data such as age, gender and ethnicity.

How is your information used?

We may use your information to

  • Assess your application for a course or event.
  • Share your name, job title and organisation with other delegates, speakers, partners, sponsors, elected officers, clinical content leads and the event venue as part of a delegate list.
  • Ensure that your accessibility requirements are accommodated.
  • Ensure that your dietary requirements are accommodated.
  • Process your registration fee.
  • Provide delegate badges at a course or conference.
  • Issue you with a CPD certificate post-course.
  • To pass on an evaluation survey pre-or-post course.
  • Contact you about other relevant events, webinars and courses, where you have given consent.

These activities (conducted either by the RCR or a third party) are counted under legitimate interests according to Article 6(1) (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Delegate lists

We include your name, job title and organisation on the delegate list for the course you are attending. This is shared with other delegates, speakers, partners, sponsors, elected officers, clinical content leads and the event venue. 

If you do not wish to appear on the delegate list please contact the Learning Team at and we will remove your name from the delegate list. For security reasons and for event delivery purposes we may still need to provide your name, dietary or access requirements to the event venue. 

Photography and filming

You may be photographed, filmed, livestreamed and sound recorded at RCR events. Audience members grant the RCR the right to use photographs and recordings of any type made of their attendance in any and all media, and by means of publicity and promotion relating to the RCR. Delegates who do not wish to be photographed or filmed should make themselves known to event staff at the beginning of the event or ahead of the event (to [email protected]).

  • At in-person events, our camera(s) will be directed towards our speakers, however some sections of the audience will be in shot, and those who ask a question will be recorded. Those not wishing to be included in the footage will be asked to notify staff on the day. Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.    
  • Where photography of audience members will take place, clear signage will be displayed at the event. Those not wishing to be included in any photographs will be asked to notify staff on the day.
  • For online events staged on a webinar platform (e.g. Zoom Webinar), only speakers will be video recorded. Attendees should however note that if they ask a question via the Q&A tab, then their contribution might be included in the event recording (your name and question – as read out by a speaker or chair may be included). You can ask a question anonymously if you would prefer not to include your name.
  • For online events staged on a meeting platform (e.g. Zoom), speakers and attendees with their cameras on might be video recorded. Attendees should also note that if they ask a question (either in writing or verbally), then their contribution might be included in the event recording. If you raise your hand and are invited to ask a question by the event chair, you will be video recorded. If you submit a question via the chat tab, your name and question – as read out by a speaker or chair – may be included.


After most events, attendees will receive an evaluation survey via email. We collect anonymous feedback from event attendees to measure how we are meeting our objectives. Feedback is collected as statistical data, with headline statistics about the event (supplemented by anonymous comments from attendees about the course and the speakers as added in the survey comment box) shared with partners, elected officers, clinical content leads and sponsors. Please note that anonymous attendee comments added in the survey comment box may be used in RCR promotional activity. Information is held on the RCR's systems, SurveyMonkey or Zoom.

Who has access to your information?

Your information will be viewed by our Learning Team. It will be held on a secure database or a third-party site which only authorised members of staff have access to. Sometimes it is necessary to share information with third parties as an essential part of being able to provide our services to you. By completing your registration, you agree that we can share your details as follows:

  • Name, accessibility requirements and dietary requirements will be shared with our venue and/or caterer.

  • Name, travel and hotel requirements may be shared with our travel and accommodation provider. (Very occasionally, accommodation and travel between the hotel and the event venue are included in the ticket price).

  • Event application forms may be shared with expert panels. Guidelines are shared with panels ahead of their assessments. These are intended to act as guidance to assessors in discharging the responsibilities placed on them in assessing applications, and set out the proper conduct expected of them under the categories of confidentiality, conflict of interest and fair assessment.

  • Name, job title, hospital/organisation will be shared with delegates, speakers, partners, sponsors, elected officers, clinical content leads and the event venue as part of the delegate list (N.B. your contact details will never be shared without your consent).

  • Anonymous evaluation responses will be shared with partners, elected officers, clinical content leads and sponsors.

  • Accepted abstracts and ePosters (including the applicants name, job title, hospital organisation) will be added to the RCR website and on an external provider's site (SciGen). Abstracts will be published by Elsevier too. 

We work with the following third-party providers to process event bookings, process event payments, stage online events, host ePosters and send evaluation surveys:

  • ID Loom: to process event bookings
  • Zoom: to process event bookings, to stage online events and to send evaluation surveys.
  • Sage: to process event payments
  • CrowdComms: to stage online events
  • Eventee: to stage online events
  • SurveyMonkey: to send evaluation surveys
  • SciGen: to host ePosters.

It is your responsibility to read their third-party privacy policies to understand how these organisations process your data. Please note that we will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

We may work with other third-parties as needed in order to run our events.

Retention period

We will only hold personal information for as long as necessary. Booking data will be held electronically for up to 5 years following the event date for internal reference and for revalidation purposes.  All booking data will be securely disposed of after this date.

Your rights

You have the right to ask us to provide you with access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data. Providing you this information is free of charge, but charges may apply for excessive requests.

To contact us about the personal data we hold about you for the purposes of events management you may email [email protected] or write to the Learning Operations Manager, Professional Learning and Development team, 63 Lincolns Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW.

You have the right to ask us to provide you with the personal data you have provided to us in an electronic format or to ask us to provide it to a third party.

Complaints procedure

Any complaints regarding the method in which we handle your data may be logged by sending an e-mail to or sending a letter to our registered address for the attention of the Chief Executive.

Should you be unhappy with our processing of your personal data, you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office.

Review of this policy

We keep this Policy under regular review. This Policy was last updated in March 2022.

See the Royal College of Radiologists’ policies and privacy notices.
