Service Review Committee (Clinical Radiology)
The Service Review Panel is chaired by the Medical Director for Professional Practice and Medical Vice-Chair. In addition there are 11 medical members and three lay members. The President and Vice-President are ex-officio members. Full details of the Board’s remit can be found in the terms of reference.
The current College document which outlines the work of the SRC is the College review of radiology services, Fourth edition. Further information can also be found on our service review section.
If you have any issues you wish to raise with the SRC, please write to Dr Raman Uberoi, via the Professional Services team, at The Royal College of Radiologists.
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Terms of reference
Clinical Radiology Service Review Committee
1. To recommend to the Faculty Board the approach, process and procedures for carrying out service reviews of NHS departments of clinical radiology, in response to requests made by Trusts (or their equivalents in other parts of the UK) to the RCR.
2. To ensure appropriate service review teams are established to carry out individual reviews and monitor the performance of review teams. The make up of any team should avoid any known or apparent conflicts of interest.
3. To receive and consider the findings of service review teams.
4. To keep the College's service review arrangements under review in the light of completed reviews and make recommendations as appropriate to the Faculty Board.
5. To provide an ongoing process for the education and training of members.
6. To report regularly to the Faculty Board on the work of the SRC.
Constitution of the SRC
7. The SRC shall include twelve radiologist members and at least three independent lay members. Clinical Radiology Officers shall be ex officio members.
8. The Chairman shall usually be the Registrar of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology and serve for the duration of his or her period of office as Registrar.
9. The Vice-chairman shall be appointed by the members of the SRC and will take the chair in the absence of the Chairman.
10. If the Chairman is not an Officer of the Clinical Radiology Faculty, he or she will be a radiologist member, will serve for five years, and may not be re-appointed in that capacity.
11. As far as possible, the radiologist membership shall reflect the diverse nature of departments of clinical radiology as well as providing a geographical spread. Radiologist members shall be Fellows in good standing in the Royal College of Radiologists, in active clinical practice in the UK, appointed for their experience in management within a department of clinical radiology.
12. The chairman shall ensure that appropriate channels are used to identify applicants for lay membership, which may include recommendation from the Clinical Radiology Patients' Liaison Group or other respected sources, or advertisement. Vacancies for radiologist members of the committee shall be advertised in the College mailing or email bulletin to Fellows.
13. Fellows and lay people who wish to apply to serve on the SRC shall be asked to submit a mini curriculum vitae, and be chosen on merit, conscious of the requirement to maintain the geographic and ethnic diversity of the SRC.
14. Radiologist and lay members shall serve terms of five years and may be appointed for a further term of five years, but no more.
15. A member who is subsequently appointed as Chairman of the committee shall not have counted against his or her period as Chairman any period of service as member of the SRC.
16. All members shall be appointed by the Dean, Clinical Radiology, on behalf of the Faculty Board.
Members of the SRC shall:
17. Take steps to maintain the currency of their knowledge in respect of issues relating to employment, College publications and standards, GMC guidance, NHS complaints procedures, the work of other relevant bodies such as the National Clinical Assessment Service (NCAS), National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA), Care Quality Commission (CQC), Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW), Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).
18. Attend training sessions where provided by the College, or others as appropriate;
19. Declare potential conflict of interests, and participate in any agreed College scheme for the formal declaration of interests;
20. Observe due requirements for confidentiality on all occasions during and after periods of membership of the committee;
21. Comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998) as regards processing and disclosure of any personal data which is made available to them as part of the work of the SRC.
Duties of the Chairman
22. The Chairman of the SRC (or in his/her absence the Vice Chairman) shall be responsible for the timely consideration of business by the Committee and for the management of the processes of the SRC and appointments to it in accordance with agreed procedures.
23. The Chairman shall report to the Clinical Radiology Officers' group and the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board as necessary on the proceedings of the SRC, observing such confidentiality or sensitivity about that business as may be necessary to comply with agreed procedures and reviews.
24. Where the Chairman is not an Officer, the Dean, Clinical Radiology shall nominate a member of the Clinical Radiology Officers' group to be the primary means of communication between the committee and the Officer group and the Faculty Board.
The Chairman shall have responsibility for:
- ensuring that an individual request for review meets the appropriate criteria;
- the appointment of the Review Team;
- defining the responsibilities and remit of the Review Team;
- ensuring currency of information relating to the service review;
- requesting that the College obtains legal advice, where appropriate
- liaison with the BMA, GMC, NCAS and other relevant agencies where appropriate;
- issuing the report to the commissioning Trust;
- sending a follow-up letter to ascertain progress following the service review.
26. There will normally be up to three meetings in each College year.
27. The quorum shall be not less than three appointed members.
28. The committee will not express any opinion or make any statement publicly or to the media that is held out to be a view from the College without first consulting and agreeing the approach with the Dean, Clinical Radiology.
29. The committee will not send representatives to other bodies or meetings on behalf of the College unless that has been agreed in advance with the Dean, Clinical Radiology.
Find out more about how the Royal College of Radiologists is governed.