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Professional Support and Standards Board (Clinical Oncology)

The Clinical Oncology Professional Support and Standards Board (CO PSSB) develops and issues professional guidance and guidelines and issues advice to the membership on all aspects of professional practice post the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training. Together with related activities, it is responsible to the Clinical Oncology Faculty Board for those functions and programmes of work to fulfil and realise the Faculty plan in support of the College Strategy. This extends to all four UK nations.


The CO PSSB is chaired by the Medical Director for Professional Practice (CO). Membership of the Board comprises the RCR President, the Vice-President CO, the Medical Director for Education and Training (CO) and the Chair of the CO Quality Improvement and Audit Committee ex-officio, four elected members, up to four appointed members and up to four co-opted members. 

Appointed members have defined roles including providing leadership and advice on matters of radiotherapy and chemotherapy quality and safety. Co-opted members include a lay representative who provides an independent and objective view on the work and activities of the CO PSSB and a member of the Oncology Registrars' Forum who provides a CO trainee's perspective. 

Next meeting

  • 1 November 2024 - 13:00 - 16:00 - In person


Terms of reference


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