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Specialty Training Board (Clinical Oncology)

The Clinical Oncology Specialty Training Board (COSTB) is responsible for all aspects of clinical oncology specialty training from the selection of trainees through to entry to the GMC’s Specialist Register. This includes agreeing the processes for recruitment into training, defining the training curriculum and assessment system, quality assurance of training, and providing support to trainers and trainees.

The Board is chaired by the Medical Director for Education and Training and comprises four elected and eight appointed members, all of whom are expected to have experience and an interest in clinical oncology training and assessment. In addition, the Chairs of the Fellowship Examination Board and the Oncology Registrars’ Forum, along with the Academic Oncology Lead, the Recruitment Lead and a lay representative are members. The President, Vice-President and Medical Director for Professional Practice are ex-officio members.

Full details of the Board’s remit can be found in the terms of reference.


Terms of reference


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