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First FRCR Examination Committee (Physics) (Clinical Radiology)

The First FRCR Examination Committee (Physics) reports to the Fellowship Examination Board through the Examining Board Chair.

The First FRCR Examination Committee (Physics) is responsible for ensuring, on behalf of the Fellowship Examining Board, that the physics component of the First FRCR examination provides an appropriate assessment of the knowledge of the physical principles that underpin diagnostic medical imaging as defined in the physics syllabus section in the Guidance for the First FRCR examination. The Committee develops multiple-true-false questions, selects questions for each paper and is responsible for standard setting to generate a pass mark.

The Board is comprised of five post-FRCR radiologists and four medical physicists. The Chair will always be a radiologist. All members are expected to have experience and an interest in clinical radiology training and assessment. New examiners are appointed by Clinical Radiology Fellowship Examination Board, taking into account the recommendation of the First FRCR Examination Committee.


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