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Fellowship Examination Board (Clinical Oncology)

The Fellowship Examination Board is responsible for ensuring that the all components of the FRCR examination provide an appropriate assessment of the knowledge, skills and some of the behaviours required to complete Intermediate Clinical Oncology Training as defined in the syllabus section of the Specialty Training Curriculum For Clinical Oncology.

The Board ensures that the examination meets the GMC's "Standards for curricula and assessment systems".

The Board is currently chaired by the Chair of the First FRCR examination, Professor Peter Hoskin. The Board is comprised of the Medical Director for Education and Training, an examiner from and the Chair of the First FRCR Board, three senior examiners from and the Chair of the Final FRCR Examination Board, the Joint Chairs of the Final FRCR SBA Question Committee, the Executive Director, Education & Professional Practice, the Head of Exams and a lay representative. All members are expected to have experience and an interest in clinical oncology training and assessment.


Member  Postholder 
Chair  Peter Hoskin 
MDET  Rachel Cooper 
First FRCR Ex Brd Chair  Gill Barnett OR 
Niladri Ghosal 
Final FRCR Ex Brd Chair  Paul Hatfield 
Final FRCR Ex Brd Vice Chair  One of: 
Alison Stillie 
Claire Harrison 
Nachi Palaniappan 
Mike Bayne 
Shaun Tolan 
Final FRCR SBA Question Panel Chair  Clare Crowley OR 
Christina Wilson 
First FRCR examiner  Mark Teo OR 
Feng Yi Soh 
Executive Director  Tania Vanburen 
Head of Exams  Laura McGarry
Lay  Vacant 

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